What Determines Your Roof's Lifespan? 3 Factors Explained

Even the best-maintained roof will one day fall apart and need a replacement. However, this does not mean that you should not care about the condition of your roof and look for ways to ensure it meets the intended lifespan. As such, it is good to determine what will make your roof last longer. In most cases, proper care will ensure you get the best service out of your roof, given the outside factors that affect its lifespan. Below are three leading determinants of your roof's lifespan.

The Quality and Nature of Material

The number of materials used to fabricate roofs has risen in the past decade. As such, you can get one from natural materials like slate, cedar shakes, and clay tiles. In addition, you can get one from a combination of natural and artificial materials, like asphalt shingles and BUR membrane roofs.

You must note that each of these materials has its unique perks, weaknesses, and expected longevity. For example, asphalt shingles are popular because they can last decades, have excellent insulation capability, and are aesthetically appealing. However, they are not as long-lasting as metallic and slate roofs. Hence, your preferred material will determine how long your installation serves you.

The Weather Conditions

The weather can put a lot of pressure on your roof, dictating longevity. For example, if you reside in parts of the country with high rainfall, your structure will likely have damage resulting from water pooling. Moreover, the higher the rainfall, the increased likelihood of leaks into the inner layers of the roofing materials. On the other hand, roofs in areas with harsh sunshine will register more UV damage. 

Also, consider that dark-colored roofing material will absorb more energy than light materials. Wind speeds and prevalence also determine whether your home will end up with blown-off material. As such, you should assess these factors in relation to your locality and choose a material that will stand against such elements. 

Your Home's Ventilation

Many people consider their roof to be a structure that exists separately from the other components of the house. However, aspects like proper ventilation can affect your roof's durability. In most cases, poor ventilation leads to overheating and moisture buildup under the roof. Eventually, this makes the asphalt shingles curl and lift. That said, you can avoid this problem by getting a roofing expert to install proper ventilation. In return, your roof will always stay dry and cool and avoid premature damage. 

It is also important to note that the frequency of care, pitch, and installation process also determine your roof's longevity. As such, speak to a competent roof installation contractor to help you purchase, install and care for the most suitable roofing material to ensure longevity.

For more information about roofing, contact a local company.

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Roofers Keep You Safe

If you were asked to list professions that focus on safety, which ones would come to mind first? Most people would name police officers, firefighters, and perhaps forest rangers. But what about roofers? They may not seem like the most likely of answers, but think about it. Roofers put roofs on your home, and roofs definitely keep you safe. Your roof protects you from storms. It protects you from tree branches. It even protects you from the scorching hot rays of the summer sun! So, there you have it — roofers keep you safe! We are excited to write more about roofers on this blog.




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